Welcome to my Mechanisms Shrine!

This is a work in progress, come back soon!

What are the Mechanisms?

"The Mechanisms: a band of immortal space pirates roaming the universe in the starship Aurora. Some say they're from a steampunk future, others claim they're from a cyberpunk past, a few even whisper that they may be from a dieselpunk alternate now. They are all correct" (The Mechanisms Youtube).

The Mechanisms are a group of actors who play as characters in a band. This website will talk about their characters, rather than the actors. They use their music to tell stories of worlds they have visited, and the people they have met. There are six albums and a single.

Everyone in the band has a mechanism, a body part replaced by a mechanical piece that bring them back to life when they die. Most of them were mechanized by Dr. Carmilla. There's a space cowboy, a Russian princess, a mob boss, a bookworm, Space Jesus, the one who blew up the Moon, a mad scientist, and a fake doctor. There is also the Aurora, their sentient starship. Read about them all in the Characters section.

Where can I learn more about them?

You can listen on their Youtube, though I usually use the lyric videos by TheVoidSings. You can also look at their website, which has short stories about them. And this website, of course!

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